We talk a little about Mobile Device Management as well as changes in security and privacy. Time Machine differences are interesting… Apple Silicon startup options have changed and Arek speaks a bit about those changes.

Sam asks Adam about the challenges of writing for those scenarios.
#Busycontacts notes disappeared series
At one point in the series of books, the at home learner was incorporated into the steps.

Adam speaks to the positivity in the Apple community. Arek talks about Apple Silicon and macOS Recovery during the writing process. Joe talks about John Siracusa’s technical reviews Arek talks about hearing the positive feedback and how much that encourages them to step up to the plate again and write the next version. Jerry blows some sunshine to Arek & Adam and compliments their hard efforts. Joe talks about feedback, both good and bad, that can come in response from putting your work out there. Steve Leebove gets props for his incredible tech editing skills, as well as the team at Peachpit. The authors explain how they split up the work in terms of exercises, reference guide, and lessons. Writing a book while an operating system is going through the beta process is a challenge.

On the last version of Managing Apple Devices, Arek talks about a last minute change he regrets. Arek talks about an eBook version which allows corrections or changes after publishing the hard copy. Sam asks about the pressures of not only being an authoring, but being a tech editor. Previously, Adam & Arek had worked on another book called Managing Apple Devices.