The 1st of Muharram marks the beginning of the year 1445 Hijri. (Religious Holiday) The 10-12th of Thul-Hijjah marks the second major holiday celebrating the season of hajj/pilgrimage. The Shia Muslims see it as the climax of the Remembrance of Muharram and the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali (the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad) at the battle of. The 9th of Thul-Hijjah marks the single day when all pilgrims stand on the mount of ‘Arafah in prayers, and those who are not attending the annual Hajj are encouraged to fast that day. Ashura is a holy day for Muslims all over the world, observed on the 9th and 10th day of Muharram, according to the Islamic calendar. Muslims embark on this journey at least once in their lifetime if physically and financially able. Regrettably as of today ( 23rd September 2021) No official divorce document will be issued nor any members of the ISCQ management, scholars and/or volunteers is. The 7-12th of Thul-Hijjah marks the annual Hajj, a pilgrimage to Makkah to commemorate the trials and sacrifices of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his family. (Religious Holiday) The 1st-3rd of Shawwal marks the first major holiday celebrating the completion of Ramadan. The month of fasting, contemplation, restrain, and spiritual renewal is when Muslims worldwide fast 29 or 30 days from dawn to sunset. The 27th of Rajab marks the night that God took Muhammad (pbuh) on a journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and then to the heavens. The 12th of Rabi’ Al-awal marks a celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday. Shia Calendar 2021 (1442 AH) - Anjuman e Hussainy, Chennai. The 10th of Muharram is observed by Sunnis to commemorate God saving Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) from the Pharaoh of Egypt, and observed by Shia to mourn the death of Al-Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Shia Calendar 2022 (1443 AH) - Anjuman e Hussainy, Chennai - 14.

The word Hijri means “Since Migration” referring to the year Muhammad peace be upon him (pbuh) and his companions migrated from their hometown Makkah to escape thirteen years of persecution to find refuge in a northern oasis, modern-day city of Medina. The 1st of Muharram marks the beginning of the year 1444 Hijri. This results in the Hijri Calendar being roughly 10 days shorter than the Gregorian Calendar every year. It takes the moon 29.5 days to orbit around the earth, therefore, all 12 months in the Islamic calendar are either 29 or 30 days long. The Islamic Calendar, known as the Hijri Calendar, is based on the lunar phase cycle.
Professional and Graduate School Accommodations AugReligion Spread the love Islam News The day of Ashura is an important occasion in the Islamic calendar that carries a spiritual and historical significance for both Sunni and Shia Muslims.The 30 year cycle is consists of 19 years of 354 days and 11 years of 355 days. Advocate for Equity in Accessibility Award The Muslim calculator is a lunar calendar which is based on 30 years of lunar cycles.Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Multicultural Teaching.Wednesday, August 18th is day number 230 of the 2021 calendar year with -1 year, -5 months, -28 days until Ashura 2021.

For Sunni Muslims the day relates to when Moses and his followers fled Egypt and where saved by God separating the Red Sea. Islamic Calendar 2021 comprises of Hijri dates and offers a list of Muslim holidays and festivals in. The day commemorates for Shia Muslims the death of Husayn ibn Ali who was the grandson of Muhammad in the Battle of Karbala of October 10, 680 CE. Ashura for the year 2021 is celebrated/ observed on sundown of Wednesday, August 18th ending at sundown on Thursday, August 19th.Īshura marks the 10th day of the 1st month of Muharram on the Islamic lunar calendar.